Sunday, January 23, 2011

Drake Scholar

Drake is pretty smart, always readin' in school; Studious / But I can't handle their brains when I travel to Asia; Bootyless

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Drake Beach

Yo yo Drizzy loves girls in bikinis; walking next to to the beach; Myrtle / I don't see what the deal is, can't be grabbin' on that slippery shell though; Turtle

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Drizzy Stalker

now I will know where alllll my friends are; I can even hear their calls too/ some call me a stalker, what my zodiac? ; MEW TWO

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Drake Omarion

Sometimes I wanna give up on love, my heart spent like Hammer's money; gone / Relationships are give & take, they go both ways; Omarion

Drake Chemistry of the Rings

I think she likes me, says we have great chemistry; Boron / If that's true, then why'd she lose contact; Sauron

Friday, January 7, 2011

Drake Hard

I was born to run the NY Crew; Shout out to B.I.G. / As far as I know I'm as hard as they come; Fresh Fig

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Drake Fight

Niggas always gonna hate; if you gonna mess with Drizzy you better be buff / But I don't need to fight, I'm a hardened criminal; cream puff

Drake Snooki

Snooki's an author now, what the hell is up with that shit / my IQ just pulled a Hindenburg; Illiterate

Drake Gangster

When I was starting out in the streets money was tight; Had to ride the bus / Now I'm lucrative, a real gangster rapper; Jonas